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Abacavir Hypersensitivity Testing

During the treatment of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, there is the use of a drug product known as Abacavir. It is known to be an inhibitor transcriptase that is used in the revers of nucleoside. The Drug is used in HIV patients who get hypersensitivity reactions that can be life threatening. Hypersensitivity the reaction occurs to the HIV patients that are in both the Abacavir therapy and the antiretroviral therapy. This the reaction is said to occur possibly due to the combination of both the immune dysfunction and the drug metabolism. The hazard is known to most affect the white patients rather than the black patients. It is recommended that Abacavir should not be re-challenged in a hypersensitive patient. This is done to prevent the life-threatening reaction. View this product


Mostly this kind of drug reactions happen to patients that have a highly active antiretroviral therapy. Abacavir is known to be a new product that is used in many of the regimens that are used in the therapy. The kind of item is known to be the cause of the hypersensitivity reaction, a response that is known can be deadly. If the treatment is extended, the result can lead to death. It is very advisable that the clinicians that recommend the use of Abacavir should be familiar with this kind of hypersensitivity reactions. The reason why this is done is to ensure that a high number of patients can benefit and enhance their conditions due to its antiretroviral efficacy. 


Hypersensitivity the reaction is very well known by a life-threatening situation. The reason for this is because the reactions result in systemic illness. Signs and symptoms like fever, fatigue, malaise ad many others are what is accompanied by the systemic illness. These symptoms are grouped into multi-visceral, constitutional and also hematological. The the reaction is also known as a DRESS syndrome. It stands for drug rash with eosinophilia and systematic symptoms. The reaction is said to be caused by the aromatic anticonvulsants. Approximately fifty percent of the patients are reported to get a fever and rash which is caused by the trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole. click here for more


The Abacavir hypersensitivity reaction is said to appear in both the adults and also the children. Some medical trials have been done in order to understand the factors that cause to the development of this kind of Hypersensitivity. A clinical trial of the Abacavir therapy that was done showed that the risks reduced almost by forty percent for the African patients. Another test that was done, proved that the HIV white patients were at a higher risk to get the hypersensitivity reaction. There have been reports that have shown that the hypersensitivity reactions also happen to the patients that have disrupted the Abacavir therapy.


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